State of SEEN — Volume #25
5 min readMar 28, 2022


Welcome to State of SEEN the weekly newsletter about all things happening in the SEEN ecosystem


Welcome to SEEN V3! The past week has marked the official launch of our new platform. With our new NFT Marketplace feature we allow whitelisted NFT Artists to mint their NFTs on SEEN HAUS website directly. Both digital and traditional artists can apply and submit their work to be reviewed at

For our development updates, please visit our public roadmap that is constantly updated with recent developments for everyone to follow along with over time:

Every second week, we'll additionally provide a more in depths development update here at State of SEEN

Drop Preview

Last week, Greencross and Haydiroket celebrated their SEEN debut as the very first whitelisted artists that ran their very own NFT auction. Congrats to both the artists and collectors for the successful launch!

Sahara Novotna

This week we are excited to welcome Sahara Novotna to SEEN HAUS!

From metal welding, to glass work, illustrations and even graffiti, the artwork of Australian-born Sahara Novotna’s creative expressions have taken many different forms. A proud third-generation artist, she has found pleasure in not only the physicality of the work, but also as an effective way to voice thoughts on everything from politics to pop culture, as seen in her acclaimed ‘Money’ series.

Exposed early to the intricacies of sculpting with metal and wood by her father, a Czech artist, she has grown with the notion that inspiration should only be bound by the imagination and not the materials. Paired with her love of travel bestowed to her by her mother, Sahara’s work offers the execution of highly unique concepts and styles that have been informed by her distinct experiences.

After extensive travel through Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and a brief stint as a practicing lawyer, Sahara followed her passion and settled in Los Angeles, opening a collaborative studio and gallery space in Hollywood. She has since become highly collected by celebrity clients, worked with a number of luxury brands including Porsche and Graffiti Library, exhibited in galleries and museums across the globe, collaborated on art projects for film and television and given back to her community with hospital murals, charity art auctions and collaborative projects.

Weed Gummy

This gummy bear is part of the gummy bear series.
“Weed Gummy” — it’s a one of a kind resin filled bear with a weed leaf embedded inside

Title: Weed Gummy
Medium: Resin, filled with fake weed leaf — 1/1
Approx 7.5 inch height x 3.5 inch wide x 2.5 inch depth
Date: Wednesday, March 30
Time: 13:00 EST


For over 24 years, ever since I first got a glimpse of the Internet, I have been in love with information and the flow of information through digital space. I am not a digital native, I am a digital ranger — I endlessly wander the edge of the tech space.

Tengushee prefers to spend his time getting his hands dirty with all sorts of digital and techart projects; including, but never limited to, multi-media art, digital music production, game production, multi-media experience production, content curation, tech sector trend speculation ..

He is a strong believer in the way, and in the truth of chaos. All his work can be considered in canon for the Endless Chronicles project. It’s his overreaching narrative for a lot of his work that has been going on in real-time for 28 years. This includes 5 albums and over 160 released songs alongside art, poetry, and video games.

Every piece he creates, no matter what style, is a shard of the same narrative and the style is in the story rather than the medium of immediate aesthetic. It is all ONE.

Anonymous Nobody

With experience as a poet, writer, painter and digital artist, finding an outlet of expression simply depends on my particular mood.

Anonymous Nobody is one of several pseudonyms he has gone by over the years to promote his artwork. He has been an artist on Known Origin & Makers Place since January/February 2020. He isn’t married to any one medium or style and learned to compartmentalize different means of expression by giving that part of his personality a name.

Anon’s favorite styles are Surrealism, Abstract and Minimalism. His work has been featured twice in Paris, France; once for MOCA and another for a Trash Art exhibition curated by Robness.
But Anonymous Nobody’s creative nature isn’t limited to digital art in particular, his NFT portfolio also includes many audio NFTs, photography NFTs and even two children’s books that he has written and released as NFTs.

That’s it for this edition of ‘State of SEEN’. You can follow the project on Twitter, Discord, Telegram, and here on Medium.

See you next time!

-the seen haus team



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